Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Of guys and their tools

In English class this morning, a woman brought in a tool set for women that she had found. The next fifteen minutes we spent talking about guys and their tools.

"You know, I wouldn't have a problem with him having all these tools, and not letting me touch them, except for one thing. He leaves them lying around; there is NO organization!! I even found a hammer on my bed the other day!"

"Tools are like legos for men!!!! They can't have one, they gotta have 600!!!!! And five different screw drivers that do the exact same thing!"

7 musings:

Jonathan David Page said...

Hey! Those 5 screwdrivers are obviously for different size screws. One of them is for .25", one for .251", one for .249", one for 6.35mm, and one for 6.35mm flat head. The differences are vast.


Jonathan David Page said...

Oh, and whats the difference between a toolset for guys and one for girls?

Allie said...

Haha. No, they were exactly the least I think. :P

And the difference is that it's compacted into a little set, made for the size of womens hands, and typically they are either pink or florally. ;)

Jessica said...

Um. I'd just take the guy's toolset, thank you very much. :P

And *actually* it makes sense to have all those screwdrivers...the question is, why do they need all those different types of screws??

Jonathan David Page said...

Perhaps to drive you screwy?

N said...

Yeah, I'll take the guys' tools too....and different things need different sizes of screws, and then different screwdrivers. And then there's wrenches...

Unknown said...

nice ,Thanks a lot