Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More Will Quotes

David's friend Will stayed over again, and like last time, I've a bevy of quotes that are much more funny in person.

Will: David is an advanced form of insane. Syptoms are yelling, screaming and calling other people 'emo.'

David and Will were untangling a rope, but they called it "ripping apart the small intestines." And then David said: Hey, small intestines would work good for saving someone drowning!
Will: Yeah, just go up to someone else and say, "Hey, can I borrow this for a sec?"

Will: David! Stop hitting my knee with my hand!
Will: Okay, stop hitting YOUR knee with my hand. Hit your own knee with your own hand.
Will: Now you're hitting your face with my hand?
Will: All right, *joking* I know you're mad, so you can hit my knee with my hand now.

And a bonus quote from me and Sarah.
Sarah: She thought it was funny.
Me: She didn't get it.

2 musings:

Jessica said...

You also have to know Will in order to imagine him saying it is funny to me! ;)

Anonymous said...

Haha! Will, you devious little bugger.