Friday, January 23, 2009

A lot from Marck and a little from Matt...

While I was getting my various morning vitamins out of their containers...

Marck:  "Can you get me an oregano oil capsule while you are getting one?"
Me:  "No, get one yourself."
Marck:  "But - but - but - but -but -but -but - but - rear end - but - but - but....."

As we were all trying to get down from the H's tree house:
Matt:  "Don't insult me when I'm on a swinging ladder!"

Marck was doing his Bible study while I was sorting laundry...
Marck (reading from the study text):  "What is your first impression of Saul?" (to himself):  "Hm.....Saul....Paul...."
Me:  "What book are you reading?"
Marck:  "First Samuel."
Me:  "That isn't the same Saul that becomes Paul, you know."
Marck:  "It isn't?  You mean there are two Sauls in the Bible and I don't know anybody named Saul???"
Me:  "Well, yeah."
Marck:  "I am going to name one of my kids Saul.  And another one Paul.  And when I have a girl I will name her Mall because that is her favorite place to go.  I have a fat kid and name him Ball because he will be round like one.  Then there will be Tall because he is tall.  I'll have two clumsy kids and name one Fall and the other Wall because he'll be like you and always be running into things.  And the baby's name will be Small."

4 musings:

Anonymous said...

I like the last one :)

Jonathan David Page said...

Wow, someone changed the theme.

Very clever, Marck. Not only did you plan out all your kids names, but you got a jab at your sister in there as well.

A quote specially for Matt: "I could do that. I have some rope up here, but I do not think you would accept my help, since I am only waiting around to kill you."

I shouldn't be allowed to comment this late at night...

Anonymous said...

Do you believe in miracles?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the last one was great.