Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Of Breakfasts and Qualifications

It is eight o’clock am in a certain household. Marck sits at the table hunched over his cereal, his hair sticking out in five million directions. Jessica, having had a little too much morning coffee, bounds in and stops in the archway, beaming like the bright morning sun. Her hair is not sticking out in a million directions, but it is in a messy bun to prevent such an occurrence.

Jessica: “Hey Marck…okay, what do you get when you have a pet sea lion that eats off your floor?”

Marck (unimpressed): “What?”

Jessica: “A vacuum seal!!!” (laughs heartily)

Marck (still unimpressed): “Oh yeah? Well, what do you call a lemur that eats off the floor?”

Jessica (thinks very hard): “Uuuuhhhhh…..I don’t know.”

Marck: “A vacuum lemur!”

Jessica blinks, staring blankly……..Marck bursts out laughing……Jessica rolls her eyes.

And to top off this post, here is what Maryn has to say on quotes:

“George Gordon is still alive….he can’t be quoted!” :D I suppose we’ve been going about this all wrong, in that case.

2 musings:

Lizzie said...

Haha!! That's great. :D

N said...

Ha-ha! I'd have to say I sympathize with Marck though... ;)