Sunday, October 5, 2008

In ten years there will be a record of this...

At swim practice Friday morning, we were doing 25 sprints. Coach Marty would say, "Take your marks...go!" at the appropriate intervals for everybody. But most of the people kept false starting (not me, I am very happy to report). So after a while, Coach Marty sighed and said in a rolling-eye-ish tone of voice, "Alright guys, let's practice going on the 'go' and not on the 'take your marks.'"

Tim K. (from improv) and I were on the topic of Led Zeppelin, and he started talking about a video of the reunion tour he had watched on YouTube. "Have you seen Robert Plant's hair? It's still long, but it's all white. He looks like a witch...a witch with a perm."

Mrs. Avery on the subject of the looming mid-term: "Don't think of it as a dreary mid-term test. Think of it as a mid-term PARTY!!"

Also, I shook my head when Mrs. Avery said this, because I knew as soon as she did that I would quote her on here: "In ten years nobody is going to know we extended the date for the Beowulf paper three times..."


4 musings:

Lizzie said...

Haha. Yay for people who know the simplest elements of swimming. *high five*

Hahahaha!! Now the whole world knows! *evil laugh*

Jessica said...

*high fives back, and goes into a whole flawlessly improvised secret handshake with Lizzie* Golly, that was amazing. I love the internet!! :P

Lizzie said...

Yeah, that was really cool!! We should totally write it down so we can learn it in real life... :P

Anonymous said...

But we would mess it up every time...darned human tendencies.