Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A New Semester...

So I have this very fun and interesting British Literature teacher. As you all may know from my Super Honeycutt story, I have a habit of writing down everything my teachers long as it will never appear on a test...heh, heh. So...I shall dub her The Professor Avery and quote her thus...

Demonstrating Old English language:
"Ick wenten to the store yesterday and the kuh-nightes loveth..."

Creating new words to circulate around the world and become part of everyday English speech:
"You can take any word...just make it up!'dirkabiddle'! You can say, 'my dirkabiddle isn't working today' to anyone around campus...pretty soon they'll start picking it up and using it in their own sentences like they know what it means...'my dirkabiddle's in the shop today' or, 'where in the world is my dirkabiddle?'"

Right before a lecture:
"This part you're going to have to take notes on...that means utensils in your hands, moving on the paper. You'll remember; I'll forget for you."

Such is The Professor is doubtless you will see more quotes from her...

3 musings:

Lizzie said...

"You'll remember; I'll forget for you." I'm going to have to use that... and since when is dirkabiddle a made up word? I have one....

Marck said...

How about triunificow for a new word (pronounced TRI-uni-fi-cow)

Jessica said...

That's another word for the expression, "Holy Cow!" isn't it? does your dirkabiddle work exactly, Lizzie? :P Maybe we should do a Dirkabiddle Instruction Manuel at improv...